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I am a 3rd year Marketing student at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh. This blog site has been developed as part of my eMarketing course! Take a look a round and feel free to leave some comments.

Wednesday 28 November 2007

The Vaults Tour

The Vaults is one of Edinburgh's most popular Ghost tours. The history of this tour is interesting and the tour itself is an 'experience'.

This late 17th Century slum for the poor became the centre of crimes, including robbery and Murder. The famous Burke & Hare, are also rumoured to search the vaults looking for more victims to murder.

The tour itself is gloomy and allows visitors to experience the dark history that once took place in the dark rooms. Visitors come in search of contact with a spirit - and many claim to have felt or seen ghostly presences. The tour will take you through the candle lit corridors, viewing different parts of the Vaults where it is rumoured voices of children can be heard. Spooky!

You can book tickets for this at: http://www.mercattours.com/

Ticket prices
Adult - £7.50
Concession -£6.50
Child - £4.00
Family - £19.00

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