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I am a 3rd year Marketing student at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh. This blog site has been developed as part of my eMarketing course! Take a look a round and feel free to leave some comments.

Friday 23 November 2007

Edinburgh Clubs

If you have come to Edinburgh for the clubbing then here are a few of the highlights to make the most of your night(s)...

Stereo - Located at 28 Kings Stables Road, Stereo is a popular club within Edinburgh. Depending on the night it is usually jam-packed...mainly students. The music varies but often plays cheese/ hip hop r&b. Entry is reasonable and there are several floors for you to chose from!

City - (1a Market Street) Another popular club in Edinburgh which in comparison is 'fairly' new. This club, although more expensive than many of the others (£8 entry at weekends) will guarantee you a goodnight. There are three bars (again, a little expensive) and a stage for you to prove your moves on! A definite highlight of what Edinburgh's nightlife has to offer...was it worth the apparent £4 million?? See for yourself....

Mood - A club you will either love or hate! Located next to the Omni Centre, Mood is generally really busy at weekends (a no-no during the week) , playing current chart music and very dated 80's cheese! It's cheep entry (maximum £5 on a Saturday) and the drink is reasonable too. However, the range of "clubbers" that head to Mood may not appeal to everyone's taste.........
It's cheap and cheerful and easy to stagger into if you have just fallen out of one of the bars in the Omni centre!

Faith - (Wilkie House, Cowgate) I you plan a night out here then it's probably best to go at the weekend. The music is better and there will be a bigger crowd inside. Faith is a cheap night out and there are plenty pubs nearby to start of beforehand.

Lava & Ignite - (3 West Tollcross) One of Edinburg's newest 3 room venue's this club is popular with stag & hen parties. It is reasonably priced (around £5). Best to visit on a Friday or Saturday (or student nights Wednesday & Sunday) when the best crowd will be here. The music varies depending on which room your in but it's mainly dance, r&b and chart music from the 70's until present.


Unknown said...

Well personally I think Glasgow has a much better clubbing scene! All the main clubs are focused in a certain area and there are many student promotions such as social animal or pocket pages which can get you in for free and has drinks/food promotions, which i dont think Edinburgh has!

Robert MacDonald said...

Hi Claire, thanks for your comment. Yes, Glasgow also has some excellent nightlife. Edinburgh does have all the same promotions such as student nights, snapfax and all the other main promotions! (I’d imagine some do differ from Glasgow though!)

Anonymous said...

We luv Edinburgh!!!! its the best, sorry Clairy!!
Nice page Robert i am impressed with the amount of info u have amassed!! Tourists look no further!
Edinburgh also has the best culture like!