About Me...

I am a 3rd year Marketing student at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh. This blog site has been developed as part of my eMarketing course! Take a look a round and feel free to leave some comments.

Monday 12 November 2007

Edinburgh Dungeons

If you have come to Edinburgh to learn about the history and it's dark past The Edinburgh Dungeons might be of some interest. The dungeons will subject you to all of history's nasty bits including witchcraft, torture, murder and the plague! Along the tour you will encounter all different types of actors who will liven up your trip...they are eccentric and often unexpected!

Other features the Dungeons offer is a boat ride and new for 2007 - a ghostly encounter where you will enter a paranormal world....

The Dungeon's is a fun attraction for children however they must be accompanied by an adult if they are 15 years or under.

This tour is a highlight for learning AND seeing Edinburgh’s past in a fun, lively and spooky atmosphere!

Edinburgh Dungeon
31 Market Street

Adult £11.95
Senior Citizen / Student £9.95
Child (5-14yrs) £8.95



Anonymous said...

Hi Robert, Just to say I have been on this tour and its ok as a tourist attraction but not that up to much for locals I think. To get the real gritty experience I would prob recommend the Edinburgh Vaults tours, where you tour the underground city etc....

Robert MacDonald said...

Thanks for the comment. Yes, i agree, I will get a post up soon on similar attractions!

If anyone else has suggestions or views on attractions they have been on feel free to share...

Anonymous said...

Hi robert, just to say the Ghost Tours can vary in where they go, but the one that takes you into the Vaults is ok, have been on that one. May be worth trying to see if any fellow students etc., have been on any of them and get their feed back on them before you blog about them? Just a thought.

Robert MacDonald said...

Hi Caz! Thank you for the comment! Yes, stay tuned for a posting on the other Edinburgh tours! I will definitely have to get one of the Vaults up... it seems the most popular!